Headed For The Open Door Tell Me What You’re Waiting For

by Cait Platt

Currently Listening to We Come Running by Youngblood Hawke

It’s funny, people get the strangest images of me.  I guess because I wear a lot of dresses, talk frequently about makeup, and prefer romance novels I paint the picture of a lady who prefers a more refined night on the town.

But did you know I worked on a pig farm for a bit?

That’s right.  For 9 weeks I was out there working with my pig, Ham Solo, training him for AgField Day.  We never actually competed, problems happened the day of AgField Day with some of the other competitors, but it was an experience.

Some things I learned while at the farm:

  1. Pig bites hurt. Like a lot. 
  2. Pig are surprisingly clean animals.
  3. Learn to hop fences. Quickly. Pigs are faster than you think.
  4. The best way to move a stubborn pig? Sit on them.
  5. Pigs can be ironic. Or at least mine was. It refused to eat anything matzo bread and tomato sandwiches.
  6. When one gets sick, all the pigs get sick. Sick pigs are gross.
  7. Don’t step in pig poo.  Not because it’s gross but because you will slip, you will fall, and you will land in a bigger pile of poo.

Still don’t believe me?

Meet Ham Solo

Meet Ham Solo

Pig Pile

Pig Pile

Powdering up my pig before the show

Powdering up my pig before the show

That shirt said "Gettin' Piggy With It"

That shirt said “Gettin’ Piggy With It”

We were Pig 880

We were Pig 880

Most people think that I gave up pork/ham after working on the farm.  I didn’t, I almost got back into eating the stuff after working there.  I find it disgusting but I hated that pig so damn much, I wanted to eat my pig.  I’m spiteful, I know.